The Acrual Blog

This is the Acrual Blog, home of all things new on Acrual, plus occasional helpful tips, and how to get the most out of Acrual.

What’s New in July 2024

| Welcome back to another edition of What’s New! It’s been busy behind the scenes, and there are a load of exciting updates to share with you since last time. Whether you have already found some of these features, or they’re completely new to you, there’s sure to be something useful. Missed the last update? Check out What’s new in August 2023. Let’s jump right in! 🚀 Multi select in estimates This is a big one, and was one of the most highly requested features in the Estimating module.

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What’s New in August 2023

| Welcome back to the latest episode of “What’s New”. If you missed the last update, check out What’s new in March 2023. Alright let’s get into it. Per-job retention rates You might already know the standard retention rates in Australia are to withhold 10% of any initial claims, up until withholdings reach 5% of the total job value. Some clients occasionally change these amounts from the standard. Until now, it wasn’t possible to change these rates in Acrual.

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Choosing the best estimating software for your business

| In today’s rapidly changing world, estimating software has become a pivotal tool for business. It is used across many industries, from construction and manufacturing right through to industries like software development and IT. Estimating software helps facilitate the accurate prediction of material, time and resource costs involved to complete a project. This allows for more accurate planning and budgeting within a business. The flow on effects from this include less unexpected expenses, and improved profit.

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What’s New in March 2023

| Welcome back to the latest episode of “What’s New”, this time we cover an exciting new range of features and improvements across Acrual. Let’s jump right in. Quote item description templates The long awaited templates for quote item descriptions feature has landed. Now you can save the description templates directly within Acrual; no longer do you have to copy and paste between applications. This should make adding detailed descriptions to estimates a breeze as you can now set them up once and reuse.

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The New Face of Acrual

| We’re introducing a Fresh New Look for Acrual! We are happy to announce that over the next week or so, you’ll see a new look and feel for Acrual roll out across the application and supporting websites. We’ve been working on this for a while, and are happy to finally be able release it into the wild for everyone to see. You’ll notice a couple of changes, but the main one will be a fresh new modern logo.

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What’s New in November 2020

| It has been a while since the last “What’s New”, but in that time, a lot of work has been going on behind the scenes, which has just been released to all Acrual customers. Let’s start with the big one. Project Raptor SpaceX Falcon Heavy To give some context to this project, let’s go on a brief journey through the history of Acrual. Acrual first started development in mid-2013 and was designed around speaking to businesses about their requirements in this area, and working out solutions which would give them the most value, which is a big part of why Acrual works so well for customers.

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What’s New in June 2019

| Xero integration ready for use Acrual to Xero It’s finally time to announce that the Xero and Acrual integration is now ready for use. With this, you can easily and automatically synchronise your invoices and time sheets from Acrual into Xero. Once setup, this runs along in the background and will keep everything in sync. To get started, head into the Settings page when logged into Acrual and go to the Connections tab.

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What’s New in January 2019

| Easier Management of Libraries We are happy to announce that you can now more easily manage your estimating library with the new import and export functionality. This will help especially when managing larger libraries with hundreds or thousands of materials and dealing with price changes across many items. To access this new functionality, simply right click on the section at the top of your labour or materials library and select “Manage Library” as shown in the screenshot below.

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What’s New in April 2018

| Thanks to your amazing feedback, we’ve made a number of changes and added new features over the last few months. Here are the changes you’ll want to know about. All new Progress Claims experience We have taken on board all the feedback you’ve given us about the progress claims module and redesigned it from the ground up. We’ve tried to incorporate everything you mentioned to us such as automatically calculating retention, handling bank guarantees and printing a valid progress claim you can send straight to your client.

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10 Tips to Boost your Joinery Business

| In this post we’re going to take a look at the top 10 tips we’ve gathered from Joinery businesses on how to best run a successful business. 1. Find the right people Finding the right people is essential to running a successful and profitable business. Try and find people who are motivated to achieve their best and provide an environment where they can do their best work. Make sure everyone is working with a clear vision and towards the same goals.

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What is Acrual?

| Running a successful business requires a tremendous amount of work managing various tasks and processes. That’s where Acrual comes in. We are a comprehensive business management software that includes estimating, quoting, invoicing, job management, purchasing, time sheeting, reporting and more. With our all-in-one solution, you no longer need to juggle data between multiple programs, as we streamline your business processes, saving you time and money. Acrual is hosted in the cloud giving your employees the flexibility to work from anywhere at any time and on any device.

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Welcome to the Acrual Blog

| Welcome to the freshly renovated Acrual Blog! Hello there fellow Acrual-ers. We are happy to welcome you to the freshly renovated Acrual Blog, your go-to source for the latest news for all things Acrual. Tune in here to get the very latest on new features of Acrual. We know how important it is for you to be well informed about the features we offer, so we’ll cover exactly how they work, and most importantly, how they can benefit your business.

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